Customized Coaching Packages

I offer customized coaching programs for professionals who have outgrown their current position, are stuck in unfulfilling careers or need support in creating or finding their dream job.

My programs are for you if…

✔️ You’re stuck and you want to experience more professional growth

✔️ You want to find and do the type of work you truly love

✔️ You’ve had a successful career but you feel that your skills and talents are underutilized in your current job

✔️ You feel that a deeper purpose keeps calling you to do the work that’s yours to do

✔️ Fears, self-doubts and other obstacles have been holding you back from living into your true potential

Through a customized coaching program you will:

  1. Create an inspiring career vision

    • Get crystal clear on what career experience will allow you to “wake up excited every day to do the work you truly love”

    • Align your unique gifts and talents with where they’re most needed in the world

    • Align your new career vision with your deepest passions and life purpose

  2. Create a personalized action plan

    • Know exactly what steps you need to take to have the job you truly love

    • Create new daily and weekly success routines

    • Learn how to increase your productivity and effectiveness by tenfold

  3. Learn how to tap your full potential

    • Learn how to tap into your personal strengths and uniqueness to turn your vision into reality

    • Learn how to optimize your environments and let go of everything that’s draining your energy

    • Learn how to maintain a high level of self-confidence and trust in your own abilities

  4. Learn to overcome internal & external barriers

    • Transform self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors 

    • Learn powerful techniques and practices for managing your fears, self-doubts, and inner critic

    • Learn how to align your career vision with your habits, beliefs and values so you can eliminate any friction that slows you down or keeps getting you stuck

  5. Implement the roadmap to your career vision

    • Position yourself successfully in your industry and create an effective branding strategy that increases your competitive edge

    • Upgrade your professional identity so you’re perceived as a leader in your professional field

    • Create a strong support structure that will help you overcome any challenges along the way

Transformative coaching is based on the understanding that there is nothing wrong with us or that we need to get fixed. We are already whole, complete and worthy.”

– Alex Poeter, Founder of Career Makeovers

Approach for customized coaching programs

We start by helping you develop a clear and strong vision of what you want most when it comes to having your dream job

We use a combination of coaching conversations, profound self-discovery, exercises, assessments, and personal reflection in-between sessions

We explore how your talents and skills can best be matched with what’s needed in the world

We help you to eliminate any internal barriers that have been holding you back so that you can live into your new vision on a daily basis

We help you to find the best alignment between your dream career and who you are (i.e. your values, strengths, life purpose, your family structure, etc.)

We help you create powerful practices that allow you to manage any fears and doubts that show up along the way

We explore what it looks like to work under conditions that are ideal for you, such as being able to maintain your ideal work-life balance

We create a winning strategy that allows you to position yourself as a leader within your professional field

Want to know more?

Contact Alex at (773) 368-9345 or at to schedule a free “Pathway To Your Dream Career” strategy session.

Add-On Services

If you’re looking for additional support navigating the job market, we also offer specialized training sessions


Strengthen your job interview skills

  • Effectively communicate how your professional track record and skills align with the requirements of the job you want

  • Learn what questions to ask and which ones not to ask

  • Learn how to respond to challenging and unexpected questions in the best way

  • Learn how to effectively connect with your interviewer(s) so that you can leave a positive and memorable impression

  • Learn how to effectively use body language and mindfulness approaches to maintain control during the interview

  • Learn how to step into a powerful mindset so that you can show up confidently and authentically


Strengthen your negotiation skills

  • Learn effective strategies for approaching salary negotiations

  • Learn how to overcome internal barriers, such as limiting beliefs, that can interfere with successfully negotiating your desired salary

  • Learn how to approach salary negotiations with confidence

  • Uncover and transform limiting money beliefs and habits that might be interfering with your ability to earn your desired salary


Approach for add-ons

  • We start by helping you develop a clear vision of how you want to show up at job interviews as your best and most powerful self

  • We will develop approaches that allow you to utilize your strengths in the most powerful and effective way during job interviews

  • We will help you to feel well prepared and confident

  • We use a combination of coaching conversations, self-discovery, exercises, assessments, and roleplays

  • We will create powerful practices that you can use on your own to prepare for your job interviews.

  • We help you to eliminate any barriers that may have been preventing you from performing at your best during job interviews

  • We help you create powerful practices that allow you to manage any fears and doubts that may come up